Tailbacks. Traffic jams. Stress. Several parts of the city are said to be nearing gridlock.


On the crossing of Prievozská and Gagarinova streets a modern grade-separated roundabout will be constructed with an underpass four-lane thoroughfare. This break through solution will thus ensure a fast, transparent, and safe day-to-day commute through traffic.
The new roundabout will not only provide a trouble-free entrance into the EUROMAX multifunctional centre, but it will eventually interconnect the residential area stretching on both sides of Gagarinova and Prievozská streets.
The convenient centre location will be highly appreciated by all those who have experienced the traffic outside the capital. Reaching the highway bypass in five minutes' time is a rare advantage. The concept’s goal is clear: to ensure a high road capacity while avoiding traffic confusion as it is often seen in heavily populated areas.
The final result will be a considerable relief to us all.